Upload a JPG


0 - 3 nothing to dust, sharpness, both

Settings for the scanner


Film or print color

Size of what is being scanned


Size of what is being scanned

Look gives estimated year. Visit kunack.app/slide-style for guide


Layout of image. Helpful later

Text on Slide? 

Anything written? Or printed?

Handwritten always

This won't be handwritten. By processing company

If not stamped or confirmed otherwise

Know where this was for sure?

Estimated needs to be noted with "EST. Location name"

Any people in the photo? Anywhere at all

Many people

Doesn't have to be super long but detailed as much as possible. Searching this

One to two words. What's in this photo plain and simple?

List what you see. Don't worry about primary/dominant colors

JUST notes. Stories later

My rating

"Great" to "Bad" -- Great = 5, bad = 1